Saturday, March 6, 2010


It's almost here, that time of year where every salon, restaurant, bowling alley, bar, you name it is taken over by musicians. It's SXSW~

Some Austinites flee, renting out their apartments and houses for big bucks. But most buckle down and dive in.

My favorite part of SXSW is finding cool bands in random places. No, I do not splurge for a wrist band when so much can be had for free. I love the showcases along S.Congress and I usually catch a band at Auditorium Shores. The year before last my hubby Merritt and I booked it from Auditorium Shores to a downtown show by Zizek Club, cumbia style beats straight from Buenos Aires. Grant Dull showing us how it's done.

And of course there was the year that the Steep Canyon Rangers made it down. They played an awesome bluegrass show at Threadgills and later my parents invited the whole band over to their house to grill out and go swimming. They're now playing on an album with Steve Martin.

Oh yeah, and there's the year I sang at a showcase downtown on Sixth Street with my brother in our band the SoberThieves. Bro, do you feel a SoberThieves reunion coming on, let's find us a bowling alley!

This year, who knows, there's always a surprise to be found.

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