Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gypsy Picnic - Trailer Food Festival

The 1st annual Gypsy Picnic was held last Saturday November 6 at Auditorium Shores which is located near Zilker Park and across from The Long Center. This gathering that was produced by C3 Presents brought together many of Austin's favorite trailer eateries. This event allowed people to sample (good portions) of each trailer's yummy treats. I parked near Zach Scott Theater and walked over because the weather was absolutely beautiful. I arrived a little before noon and the place was already hopping. Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought great weather and lots of food would be an excellent combo. People, families, dogs, bikers, walkers, you name it, everyone was out and about ready to EAT!

I met up with friends who had already enjoyed some Mighty Cone and we coasted from line to line. We started off with the Chipotle Chicken Nacho-dillas which were a huge portion. This was at around 1pm and lines were starting to get a little out of control, winding around in different directions. Next was MMMpanadas where I sampled the pumpkin one with whip cream and my friends tried the Chicken empanada. The sample soy chorizo with brie got mixed reviews. The sun started heating things up and we were wanting some shade by this point. Lucky for me, we were able to check out the inside of one of the refurbished trailers and got to enjoy some lovely AC.

With live music, lots of delicious food & drinks and good vibes, this 1st time festival had all the makings for a perfect day. But the long lines and crowds made it a little more intense than most would like and word on the street is that they'll expand it to make more room for next year.

Short Bus Subs who is a roving trailer (moves from location to location) won fan favorite. I talked with them today while they were at my office, it sounded like they were quite pleased with the whole event.

Check out for more fun info on these and other trailer eateries.

And if you want to find cool digs near the Auditorium Shores/Zilker area click on or give me a call~

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